The Quirky Side of News: A Lighthearted Look at Today’s Headlines

by | Dec 7, 2023 | Blog

Welcome to our latest roundup, where we dive into the more whimsical side of the news! In a world where headlines often lean towards the serious and somber, weve scoured the internet to bring you a collection of stories that are sure to tickle your funny bone. From the bizarre to the outright hilarious, these headlines remind us that reality can often be stranger (and funnier) than fiction. So sit back, relax, and get ready for a journey through some of the most amusing and unexpected news stories out there. Who knew that office air could be a brain fog culprit, or that Skrillex’s beats could save you from mosquito bites? Let’s explore these curiosities and more in our light-hearted exploration of today’s news!

Mark Ritson, Marketing Week  Read It Here

“Facebook’s Horizon Workrooms sucks ass”
In the latest turn of events, tech reviewers have unanimously declared that Facebook’s Horizon Workrooms is about as enjoyable as sitting on a cactus. Critics argue that if virtual meetings were already a snooze fest, Horizon Workrooms takes it to a whole new level of ennui. With avatars that have the emotional range of a teaspoon, the platform promises to turn every meeting into an exercise in virtual misery. One reviewer noted, “If I wanted to see emotionless faces staring back at me, I’d just attend my family’s Thanksgiving dinner.”
Mark Wilson, Fast Company  Read It Here

A groundbreaking study has revealed that the air in your office could be chipping away at your IQ, one breath at a time. Scientists suggest that the combination of recycled air and lingering scents of microwaved fish is creating a ‘dumb fog’ that’s lowering office productivity. The study recommends plants, open windows, or simply working anywhere that isn’t your current office. “At this point, breathing into a paper bag might actually be better for your brain cells,” said one researcher.
Judann Pollack, AdAge 📚 Read It Here

In a controversial new trend, creatives are turning to microdosing LSD and cannabis for a burst of unconventional inspiration. Advocates argue it’s like giving your brain a shot of espresso, but with more colors and fewer jitters. Critics are skeptical, but supporters claim it helps them ‘think outside the box,’ which in this case, might be an actual geometric shape they’re visualizing. As one designer put it, “My pitches have never been bolder. I mean, who else would suggest a flying mascot for a law firm?”

Gavin Butler, VICE  Read It Here

In what might be the strangest crossover between science and EDM, a study has found that Skrillex’s music is an effective mosquito repellent. The high-frequency sounds and bass drops appear to disorient the pesky bloodsuckers, making them less likely to bite and more likely to rave. While this may not be the intended use for his music, Skrillex fans are ecstatic. Camping festivals just got a whole lot less itchy, and who knew that ‘Bangarang’ was not only a bop but also a bug deterrent?
Stephen Ruddy, New York Times  Read It Here

A hard-hitting piece in the New York Times has city dwellers questioning the necessity of a toilet in their apartments. Amid skyrocketing rent prices, New Yorkers are now considering whether a traditional bathroom is a luxury they can live without. Suggestions range from using public restrooms to adopting a minimalist lifestyle that apparently doesn’t include plumbing. One interviewee mused, “If I’m paying this much for a closet-sized apartment, I might as well embrace the full experience of urban survivalism.”